Open For Business

Monday, January 3rd. The first official business day of 2022. It was also the first official day as Doing Business As Wahbee’s Woodworking.

Wahbee’s Woodworking began as a hobby. I would occasionally build some jump standards for a friend. Word of mouth led me to work with a couple of other people interested in standards or cavaletti. Nothing huge. Nothing fancy.

Among the first of my builds as a hobby builder

As last year progressed it became clear that I might not be able to keep this a hobby much longer. Then I learned of a school interested in my work for the coming year. Yes. A school.

As of 2022 Wahbee’s Woodworking is no longer a hobby. I have my D.B.A. business account, and I will be conducting myself in a much more businesslike manner.

A recent build from this past fall

I am so daunted. But I am so excited.

This unfortunately means I may need to raise my prices. Will I still have customers? I hope so. I can get myself in trouble wondering the what-ifs and fearing every bad scenario. Luckily it is still my side business and I have a successful full-time career.

But on the other hand…what if things go well?

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  1. Congrats!! Welcome to the world of small business!! Those standards look amazing and the OTTB jump is gorgeous!! As a small business, marketing is your lifeblood, if you are interested, look into the free Facebook/Instagram ad managing classes. FB is evil but there are a lot of eyeballs on it and you want to market where those eyes are at. I can help if you have questions. Best of look especially with show season around the corner.

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