Thanksgiving Gratitude

Start each day with a positive thought and a grateful heart.

-Roy T. Bennet

Gratitude is non-material and doesn’t discriminate against the rich or the poor.  Gratitude is within us but it cannot be possessed.  It cannot be bought.  It cannot be forced.

When we feel and express our gratitude our entire sense of well being lights up.  I find myself being more joyful and having even more to be thankful for.

I show my gratitude all year long but at Thanksgiving, I reflect on the past year and enjoy the warmth it gives to know how blessed I am.  In the face of challenges and struggle I nearly always find some beauty to be grateful for.


Just the other day I stopped at a coffee shop and decided to purchase a coffee cake muffin with my coffee.  It was the last one on the shelf.  

Moments later an older gentleman with a cane walked up to the counter and I heard him ask for a coffee cake muffin.  

Instead of staying silent I immediately jumped in and handed him the bag containing the muffin I had just purchased.  I asked the server for a blueberry instead.  The woman, in turn, gave him the muffin at no charge.

I may not have expressed gratitude but for the rest of the day, everything felt better.  I loved deeper, was more thankful to my loved ones, and noticed all of the positive details. I was grateful for the chance to help, grateful to be alive, and grateful for the life I’m living.

I am blessed and grateful for my incredible friends.  I have met new friends, rekindled old friendships, and strengthened my relationship with others.

I am grateful for my family.  They have stuck by my side and loved me through the best and worst days.


Grateful for my health.  Despite my struggle with weight as I age and work nightshift.  Despite having spent half the year on a bad ankle, with a bad shoulder, and with several other pains I am above ground.  I breathe fresh air, eat healthy and unhealthy foods, walk, smell, horseback ride, see, hear, and feel the world around me.  And the world is beautiful.

I am grateful that I had the opportunity to take in two amazing thoroughbred geldings that were cast away unwanted….and to give them a loving home where they thrived for the past year.  Despite the stressful and contentious ending between the humans, I am grateful I had this experience.

I am oh so grateful to the family who gave me Blade years ago.  And for Blade himself for far exceeding any and all goals I’ve ever made for him.


I’m grateful to the family who gave me Tiger this year.  I’m thankful to Tiger for being open-minded and trusting.  For forgiving me when I’m not riding as well as I ought to.  I’m thankful to him for taking his situation…his entire world being flipped upside down and being humble and kind through it all.  I’m so happy to see him thriving here despite his lifestyle being a 180° change from everything he’s ever known.


Grateful to my trainer and friends who helped me through all of it.  Supporting me emotionally, being excellent references, and embarking on new adventures.

I’m grateful to the people who have reached out to trust me with their horses.  Though I didn’t adopt all the horses (I’d have loved to) I’m incredibly thankful that they saw the good in me to take in and love their animals.

I am incredibly thankful for the man in my life that has been there with me through all of our new antics and for supporting me.  Without Zac my life would not be nearly as full as it is now.


Grateful for Bardi and his former family.  They had just met us but we instantly connected and they saw something in Zac and I that they could trust.  Bardi is the most incredible dog I have ever known and we are so blessed to have him in our family.


I feel grateful for our chickens.  They are always eager to see us and provide us with fresh eggs daily.


I am grateful to our cats who provide free cuddles and love.  Who meow and play loudly every night and jump on our bed during a 3am chase.


I am grateful to have a wonderful home, a good job, and a hopeful future.

Life is good.

Happy Thanksgiving to all of you whether or not you are in the United States.

What are you grateful for today?

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